
Application Programming Interface

class pypr.preprocessing.Normalizer(X, handleStd0=True)

Rescale and shift each feature individually, so that it gets a mean of zero, and a unity standard deviation. The scaling and shifting are based upon X

Parameters :

X : np array

An array with samples row wise and features/inputs column wise.

handleStd0 : bool, optional

True (default) or False. If true, the standard deviation is set to 1.0 if it is found to be 0, otherwise an exception is thrown in this case.



Find the inverse transformation.

Parameters :

iX : np array

An array with normalized samples row wise and features/inputs column wise.

Returns :

X : np array

The inverse transformation of the values given in iX.


Find the normalized values for the samples in X, so that each input will have zero mean and unit standard deviation.

Parameters :

X : np array

An array with samples row wise and features/inputs column wise.

Returns :

——- :

iX : np arrray

Normalized version of X

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