Artificial Neural Network

This section gives an introduction to the Artificial Neural Network implemented in PyPR. The implmented ANN supports several network outputs and efficient evaluation of the error gradient using backpropagation.

An Artificial Neural Network can map serval inputs to several outputs

\textbf{y} =  f \left ( \textbf{x} ; \textbf{w} \right )

where \textbf{x} and \textbf{y} are a vectors with inputs and output values respectivily. The function f is consistst of mathematical function for the neural network, which can be controlled by a set of parmeters \textbf{w}. In the context of ANN these parameters are most commonly called weights. The weight can be adjusted to get the desired mapping from \textbf{x}, this process is called the training of the network.

Network Structure and Evaluation

The feedforward network structure supported by the PyPR.


A 2-layer feedforward artifical neural network.

The figure 2 layer feedforward ANN shows a typical 2-layer feedforward artifical neural network. On the left side of the network the inputs are given, and on the right the outputs. The network is called a feed forward because the data only moves in one direction; from the input towards the outputs. The nodes drawn as circles are called perceptrons. They sum all their inputs, and apply a activtion function. The perceptrons will be investigated shortly. The figure 2 layer feedforward ANN is for a two layer network, but the network can consist of fewer of more layers. The 2-layer network will be used here for explaining the basic concepts of the ANN. A bias node is also located together with the inputs, and is supplied by the network itself. It always gives a value of one, and helps the network handle zero only inputs better.

The lines denote the adjustable weights \textbf{w}. A weight matrix is given for each layer. A layer’s weight matrix is identified by a superscript number (k), \textbf{w}^{(k)}, where k is the layer number. Each element in the weight matrix \textbf{w}^{(k)} is denoted w^{(k)}_{ij}, which is the weight value for the connection from node j to node i.

To find the an output of the network, the inputs are passed forward through the network. Let us first find the outputs of the first layer of perceptrons. A more detailed drawing of the node or perceptron z_q could look like this:


A perceptron.

The total input to the perceptron z_q is given by

a_q = \sum_{i=1}^N w_{qi}^{(1)} x_i + w_{j0}^{(1)}

where w_{j0} is the weight that has been assigned the bias unit. If we also assign x_0 = 1, the equation can be simplified to

a_q = \sum_{i=0}^N w_{qi}^{(1)} x_i

The output of the hidden perceptron z_q is found by applying its activation function, g^{(1)}(\cdot), to the nodes total input, a_q:

z_q = g^{(1)}(a_q)

The second layer of perceptrons is handled in a similar manner, and the output from the network can be written as

y_m = g^{(2)} \left( \sum_{q=0}^Q w_{mq}^{(2)} z_q \right )

By inserting the expression for z_q we get the full expression for a 2-layer ANN

y_m = g^{(2)} \left( \sum_{q=0}^Q w_{mq}^{(2)} g^{(1)} \left (
\sum_{i=0}^N w_{qi}^{(1)} x_i
\right ) \right )

About the activation function.


In the ANN implementation there is a matrix for each layer with the weights. The last column in the weight matrix gives the weights assigned to the bias node from the previous layer.

Examining the Weight Matrix Structure

The weight matrices used in PyPR have the bias weights added as the last column.

Here is an example of createing a ANN with PyPR:

>>> import pypr.ann as ann
>>> nn = ann.ANN([1,3,1]) # A network with 1 inputs, 3 hidden nodes, and 1 output
>>> nn.weights[0] # First layer of weights W^(1)
array([[ 2.45579029, -2.22287964],
       [-1.75201183,  0.05098648],
       [ 0.95317093,  0.84703608]])
>>> nn.weights[1] # Second layer of weights W^(2)
array([[-0.54627072, -0.67273706,  1.42473486, -0.21274268]])

The create ANN has 1 input, 3 hidden nodes, and 1 output. The example show how to obtain the weight matrices. The first matrix is 3x2. The first column is for the input, and the last for the bias node. The rows give the weight to each unit in the hidden layer next.

The second weight matrix is 1x4. All the outputs from the hidden layer go to 1 output perceptron. The last column here again is due to the bias node.


The NN need data to be trained. For this purpose the is a special container class, which handles the joins the training data and the NN.

Purpose of error function

Activation and Error Functions

The activation functions are implemented in pypr.ann.activation_functions. The are implemented as 2-tuples. The first element is a reference to the activation function, and the second a reference to its derivative with regard to the input value.

Name Function Derivative
Linear x 1
Sigmoid 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) g(x) * (1 - g(x))
Tanh tanh(x) 1-g(x)^2

The value passed to derivative method is actually g(x), and not x. One should only be aware of this, if implementing new activation functions.

Here is a toy example where we assign all three activation functions:

import pypr.ann as ann
import pypr.ann.activation_functions as af
nn = ann.WeightDecayANN([1,1,1,1], [af.tanh, af.sigmoid, af.lin]))

TODO: Selecting activation and error functions.


A neural network can be trained to find the posterior probabilities, which reflects the uncertainty that a sample belongs to a given set of classes. A general case of classification, is when the observations have to be classified into K classes. The ANN will have K outputs, one for each class. If the observation belongs to a class k the corresponding output number will be 1, otherwise the outputs are 0. This is called a 1-of-K binary coding scheme.

If the output of the network should be considered as probabilities, they have to fulfill some requirements, which are 0 \le y_k \le 1 and \sum_k y_k=1.

This can be achieved using the softmax activation function

y_k = \frac{\exp (a_k)}{\sum_{k'} \exp (a_{k'})}

According to [bishop95] the conditional distribution for this setup can be written as

p( \mathbf{t}^n | \mathbf{x}^n) = \prod_{k=1}^c \left ( y_k^n \right ) ^ {t_k^n}

and the negative log likelihood function of the cross entropy can be expressed as

E_{ce} = - \sum_n \sum_{k=1}^c t_k^n \ln y_k^n


The entropic cost function and softmax activation function must be used together due to the implementation. If the entropic cost function is used, then the softmax activation function must be used on the output layer. And the softmax activation function can only be used in this layer.

Multiclass classification using ANN gives a classification example of the well-known Iris dataset using the softmax activation function and cross entropy error function.

Implementation overview

The ANN is implemented in a class called ANN and extended by WeightDecayANN, which adds weight decay support. This is done by modifying the gradient and error functions accordingly.

The ANN class can flatten the weights in all the layer into a vector. This is handy, because then general purpose function minimization can be used for training the ANN.

[elliott]Technical Research Report, A Better Activation Function for Artificial Neural Networks, D.L. Elliott, University of Maryland, 1993
[bishop95]Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Christopher M. Bishop, Oxford University Press, 1995
[bishop06]Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher M. Bishop, Springer, 2006

Application Programming Interface

class pypr.ann.ann.ANN(nodes, afunc=[], errorfunc=None)

A simple implementation of a feed forward neural network.


find_flat_weight_no(layerNo, r, c)

Returns the corresponding flat weight index to layer and weight index. This is not very fast, so do not use it for anything but small examples or testing.

Parameters :

flatWno : int

The number of the weight in a flattened vector

Returns :

pos : tuple

Returns the layer number, row, and column where weight is found - (layer, r, c)

This is not very fast, so do not use it for anything but small :

examples or testing. :


Returns the output from the output layer.

Parameters :

inputs : NxD np array

An array with N samples with D dimensions (features). For example an input with 2 samples and 3 dimensions:

inputs = array([[1,2,3],


Returns :

result : np array

A NxD’ array, where D’ is the number of outputs of the network.


Returns the outputs from all layers, from input to output.

Parameters :

inputs : NxD np array

An array with N samples with D dimensions (features). For example an input with 2 samples and 3 dimensions:

inputs = array([[1,2,3],


Returns :

result : list

A list of 2d np arrays. The all the arrays will have N rows, the number of outputs for each array will depend on the of nodes in that particular layer.

Returns :

sum : scalar

Returns the sum of all the weights to the input of a note’s activation function.

Returns :

error_func : function

This is the error function which back propagation uses. Should normally not be overwritten. This error function does not include the weight decay.

Returns :

error_func : function

The error function. This function can be overwritten, so for example a network with weight decay will return the error function with the weight decay penality.


Returns the value of the weight corresponding to flat weight index.

Returns :

W : 1d np array

Returns all the weights of the network in a vector form. From input to output layer. This is useful for the optimization methods, which normally only operate on an 1d array.

Returns :

Nw : int

Number of weights layers in the network.

Returns :

weights : list

Copy of the current weights. The length of the list is equal to the number of hidden layers.

gradient(inputs, targets, errorfunc=None)

Calculate the derivatives of the error function. Return a matrix corresponding to each weight matrix.

Parameters :

inputs : NxD np array

The inputs are given as, N, rows, with D features/dimensions.

targets : NxT np array

The N targets corresponding to the inputs. The number of outputs is given by T.

Returns :

gradient : list

List of gradient matrices.

gradient_descent_train(inputs, targets, eta=0.001, maxitr=20000)

Train the network using the gradient descent method. This method shouldn’t relly be used. Use the more advanced methods.

Parameters :

inputs : NxD np array

The inputs are given as, N, rows, with D features/dimensions.

targets : NxT np array

The N targets corresponding to the inputs. The number of outputs is given by T.

For example one could use the XOR function as an example: :

inputs = array([[0,0],

[0,1], [1,0], [1,1]])

targets = array([[0],[1],[1],[0]])

set_flat_weight(flatWno, value)

Sets the value of the weight with flat weight index.


Set the weights of the network according to a vector of weights.

Parameters :

W : 1d np array

W must have the correct length, otherwise it will not work.

class pypr.ann.ann.WeightDecayANN(*args, **kwargs)

This modifies the error function and the gradient to accommodate weight decay, otherwise it works just like an ANN.



Returns a modified error function with a weight decay penalty.

Activation functions

Error functions

An error function is represented as a tuple with a function for evaluating networks error and its derivatives.