Gaussian Process

A Gaussian process is defined by its mean and covariance functions m(\mathbf{x}) and k(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}') respectivily

  m(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbb{E} \left [ f(\mathbf{x}) \right ], \\
  k(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}') = \mathbb{E} \left [
    \left ( f(\mathbf{x})-m(\mathbf{x})\right )
    \left ( f(\mathbf{x}')-m(\mathbf{x}')\right )
  \right ]

and Gaussian Process (GP) can be written as

f(\mathbf{x}) \sim \mathcal{GP} = \left (  m(\mathbf{x}), k(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}') \right )

The free parameters in the covariance functions are called hyperparameters.


When doing regression we are interested in finding the model outputs for a given set of inputs, and the confidence of the predictions. We have training dataset

\left [
 \mathbf{f} \\ \mathbf{f_{*}}
\right ]
\left (
\left [
 K(X,X) & K(X,X_{*}) \\
 K(X_{*},X) & K(X_{*},X_{*}) \\
\right ]
\right )
\left (
\left [
 K & K_{*}^T \\
 K_{*} & K_{{*}{*}} \\
\right ]
\right )

For simplicity we have set K=K(X,X), K_{*}=K(X_{*},X), and K_{{*}{*}}=K(X_{*},X_{*}).

\bar{f}_{*} = K_{*}K^{-1}\mathbf{y}

var(f_{*}) = K_{*}K^{-1}K_{*}^T

Finding the hyper-parameters

Application Programming Interface

class, X, y, max_itr=200, callback=None, print_progress=False, no_train=False, mean_tol=None)

Gaussian Process for regression.



The partial derivatives of the function to minimize, which is the likihood in this case. This method is passed to the optimizer.

Parameters :

params : 1D np array, optional

hyper-parameters to evaluate at. It not specified, then the current values in the covariance function are used.

Returns :

der : np array

array of partial derivatives


The function to minimize, which is the likihood in this case. This method is passed to the optimizer.

Parameters :

params : 1D np array, optional

hyper-parameters to evaluate at. It not specified, then the current values in the covariance function are used.

Returns :

nllikelihood : float

Negative log likihood


Find hyperparameters for the GP.


Predict the the output of the GPR for the inputs given in XX

Parameters :

XX : NxD np array

An array containing N samples, with D inputs

Returns :

res : np array

An array of length N containing the outputs of the network


Gaussian Process class.


find_likelihood_der(X, y)

Find the negative log likelihood and its partial derivatives.

fit_data(X, y)

Fit the hyper-parameters to the data.

X Input samples (2d array, samples row-wise) y Function output (1d array)

generate(x, rn=None)

Generate samples from the GP.

Parameters :

x : np array

A 2d matrix with samples row-wise

rn : np array

Provide your own random numbers (mostly just for testing)

regression(X, y, XX, max_samples=1000)

Predict the y values for XX given the X, y, and the objects covariance function.

Parameters :

X : MxD np array

training array containing M samples of dimension D

y : 1-dimensional np array of length M

training outputs

XX : NxD np array

An array containing N samples, with D inputs

max_samples : int, optional

Due to memory considerations, the inputs are evaluated part at a time. The maximum number of samples evaluated in each interation is given by max_samples

Returns :

ys : np array of length N

output of GPR

s2 : np array of length N

corresponding variance

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